Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Are you ready to SNARK?  The New Year is upon us and it is time to SNARK as no one has SNARKED before.  Or at least not as too many have previously SNARKED.

New Years is traditionally a time of RESOLUTIONS, a time to change what has not worked during the previous 365 days and a time to confess to prior FAILURES and commit to doing better, improving one’s self and otherwise stepping up to make a difference somewhere somehow someway.

It with this definition of RESOLUTION—

the mental state or quality of being resolves or
resolute; firmness or purpose.

She showed her resolution by not attending the meeting.

I resolve that in the year 2016, and forevermore, I will stand against those who abuse power and marginalize the working class for personal petty gain and enhancement of the oligarchy.

I realize this is a mighty commitment, but it is one that must be made.  It would be nice if there were those among us that would also add this resolution to their New Years strategies and join us in this endeavor.

But nonetheless, we here at GET YOUR SNARK ON will persevere to make it so.

While we have a predetermined list of SNARK targets, we reserve the right not to limit our commentary to such a narrow register, and to expand our agenda as we see fit and as the SNARKS do tend to change on a case-by-case basis.

We will SNARK, and our SNARKS will be brief (typically), as factual as the daily news, (generally) and as pertinent as the rising of the sun  (as a rule).

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


I came across this post on a popular forum today.  I started me thinking about what Jesus really meant when he spoke of being LUKEWARM.

I personally think it would because they love the world and the things of the world like music, movies, clothes, houses, automobiles, wealth, popularity, going on vacations, trips to the beach, concerts, amusement parks, sporting events, eating good food, hanging out with friends, plus having all the lukewarm Christians in Heaven means the more number of friendships I'll get to have there, I personally prefer being around the worldly and lukewarm Christians more than the angry Bible thumping Christians who'll tell you you're gonna be going to Hell for this and that, I wouldn't find joy or happiness if all of the people who I've loved on Earth or people who I've wanted to meet ended up in Hell

I see it differently.  LUKEWARM has ZERO to do with enjoying LIFE here and now.  Many believe that God ( or whatever name you use) not only wants us to enjoy life, he/she DEMANDS that we have the time of our life.

This idea that lukewarm means we are enjoying life and having fun is ludicrous and is surely the work of our evil subconscious. 

We can still love the world and the things of the world like music, movies, clothes, houses, automobiles, wealth, popularity, going on vacations, trips to the beach, concerts, amusement parks, sporting events, eating good food, hanging out with friend and LOVE God (or whatever name you use) and God would be ecstatic that we are taking advantage of LIFE.  After all is LIFE not a GIFT from God?

What parent would ever chastise their child for having fun and ENJOYING life? 

Does loving the world preclude people from making discoveries?  If we truly "loved god" why would we be curious and look for patterns and why would we seek knowledge?   It is NOT because we do not LOVE GOD, but because we do LOVE GOD that we want to make LIFE BETTER.

Are doctors "lukewarm" because the want to extend life (what did Paulie the heretic write about being absent from the body?  Wasn't that a narcissistic piece if there ever was one?) or when they treat a disease?  I think not.  They are doing God's work here on earth.

All this "love the world" crap is jut that--CRAP.  Do we really think that in the here-after all we will do is sit around singing HOLY-HOLY-HOLY 24/7?  God I hope not!  There are legions of angles who are doing that right now so I really doubt God needs a few million more sitting around boasting his / her ego...

LUKEWARM I BELIEVE refers willingness to justify ignoring those in need. 

When we refuse to love our neighbors. 
When we do not demand justice and administer MERCY when called for. 

We are lukewarm when we walk on past a person on the streets who needs help and we do nothing. 
Whether we withhold that extra dollar in our pocket and justify not giving the money.
Or we withhold that coat or food.
Even when we avoid a simple HELLO and a smile out of “fear” it makes us LOOK weak?. 

We are lukewarm when we think like the Pharisees and say:


And we hold ourselves ABOVE those who are marginalized. 

LUKEWARM expects others to pull themselves up and we stop asking WHY is this allowed and how can we provide the hand up.

LUKEWARM promotes INDIVIDUALISM and rejects the individual.

LUKEWARM fears "socialism" because we are told everyone has to WORK for what they get.

LUKEWARM fears government (despite what Paulie said about all government is appointed by God) and seeks to take control from the people and place it in corporate hands.

When we fear our neighbor (ignoring what Jesus said NUMEROUS times) and we support an armed society and justify it by saying MIGHT MAKES RIGHT that is lukewarm.  Can we imagine this happening on the playground--Your son goes to the teacher and says Bobby is throwing rocks at everyone--and instead of stopping Bobby the teacher gives EVERYONE rocks??

LUKEWARM no longer believes God is LOVE. 



LUKEWARM wanting God to be JUDGE & JURY provide we are the executioner

LUKEWARM exists on the outer edges of society because we are "better" than EVERYONE else.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

REPOST--An open letter to Mrs. Bush

An Open Letter to Mrs. Bush

Dear Mrs. Bush,
When I was six years old, I hid behind a couch with my ears covered by my tiny hands. I sang “Somewhere over the Rainbow” to drown out the sound of my mother screaming as my stepfather beat her.  Black eyes, a busted lip–all were common to see on my mother’s face. Another night, I awoke realizing I needed to use the restroom.  I was so scared to run into my stepfather in the hallway that I chose to urinate in the bed. I slept in it all night.  The predominant feeling throughout my childhood was fear. Fear that my mother would die, fear that I would die… just fear.
We survived. I received counseling. The scars from my youth never faded.
This is why I chose to get involved in the Domestic Violence movement. I did not find a job on Career Builder; I sought out a shelter for this work. When I began my work at the shelter, it was due to a genuine care for victims and their experiences.
I left the field five years later. I left because I realized the domestic violence movement had been hijacked by the very organization I imagined was its greatest ally: the Florida Coalition against Domestic Violence (FCADV).
You, Mrs. Bush, have partnered with FCADV since the early 2000s. According to their last 990 filing, you sit on the Board of their Foundation. In 2003, your husband, then Governor, Jeb Bush signed House Bill 1099. This bill allowed the FCADV to attain control over all funding for the 42 certified Domestic Violence centers in Florida. Over the past two weeks, your husband has publicly referenced his and your work on domestic violence as he makes his bid for Presidency.
For this reason, I can no longer be silent.
Immediately after your husband signed House Bill 1099, a multitude of things began to change at our shelter and others. In 2005, our Children’s Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) left and was never replaced. Our shelter decided the service was no longer necessary. In 2010, our Adult Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) was laid off and never replaced. Also in 2010, two members of our Board of Directors raised concerns about various issues, including the possible misappropriation of funds, blatant mistruths on the shelter’s 990s, and the fact that the Executive Director was never on-site. Since the shelter’s only oversight was and still is the FCADV, those affected reached out to them, calling and expressing concerns.
The result? They were dismissed from the Board.
Our longstanding Board of Directors included fifteen members; today it has five. In 2010, a strategic planner came in to help the shelter create a more concrete and effective plan to meet shelter objectives. However, he was dismissed when the Executive Director was unhappy or, rather, “unsatisfied” with his findings.
Among the findings? The lack of full time presence of the CEO (Executive Director).
In 2012, the three top administrators at the shelter received two raises in two months. With those raises, 40% of the entire funds of the shelter paid (and still pays) the three top administrators, one of which is the Executive Director who is almost never on-site. No action has been taken regarding any of these facts because, as previously mentioned, their only oversight is the FCADV and they do not appear to be concerned, based upon their lack of response to clearly expressed, valid concerns.
Certified Florida domestic violence shelters are required to report their counseling hours to FCADV monthly and FCADV compiles the numbers. The FCADV boasts that its centers provided approximately 455,000 hours of counseling to victims of domestic violence in 2014.
I called every one of Florida’s 42 certified centers and all but three confirmed that they have no LMHC counselor on staff. Most of them clarified that while they did not have licensed counselors, they follow a “peer counseling” model, which allows for a much looser conception of what counts as counseling. At the shelter where I worked,each and every moment a staff member even speaks to a victim counts toward counseling hours.
Internal memos signed by our director encouraged advocates to “get counseling hours up.” One specific memo (which I have in my possession) reads: “Do their nails, hair, gather them for a movie—just get the hours up.” I find it troubling that they consider this counseling. Had that been the counseling service I received as a child, or my mother received as an adult, I fear what would have become of us.
In 2009, the Department of Justice released their national fatality review on domestic violence victims. Among their findings were the following:
Up to 88% of battered women in shelters suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
The Mexico fatality review study documented that a third of the female victims had alcohol in their system at the time of autopsy, with a blood alcohol content of twice the legal limit.
Other studies have found that as many as 72% of abuse victims experience depression.
Among women treated in emergency rooms for injuries caused by their abusers, those who suffered from substance abuse had increased risk of violence from partners.
75% (of battered women in shelters) experience severe anxiety.
Another hospital study found that victims injured by partners were more likely than other injured women in an emergency room to test positive for substance abuse.
This is not about blaming victims; it is about establishing which services victims truly need. How did it come to be that FCADV would ignore the desperate need for mental health counseling and substance abuse help in your shelters and centers? How did it come to be that FCADV stopped providing those services?  The official word from FCADV is that, “It’s not one of our core services” and/or “We can’t assume that every victim needs those services.” If credible data demonstrates that 80% of women in shelters have PTSD, shame on FCADV for not helping them.  This is especially true when Executive Directors continue to receive raises while those in need struggle for resources. The FCADV claims they “refer out” for mental health services. But to what resources? Mental health and substance abuse are incredibly underfunded while the FCADV is not. When I worked at the shelter as an advocate, most referrals I was required to recommend involved month-long waiting lists.
The Empowerment Model looks good on paper but one cannot empower an individual to do “what’s best for herself or her children” when the individual needs sobriety, substance abuse counseling, or mental health care. Blatantly ignoring what statistics make clear is irresponsible, unethical, and, at best, ineffective.
I worked with at least 600 women in our shelter. How many had what the average person or shelter employee would consider a “happy ending” or beneficial outcome? I would wager that fifty is a more than generous guess. Approximately fifty of 600 women left our shelter better off than when they arrived. The vast majority left almost no better from their time in our center. The reason is that, of the 600 women I worked with, only fifty dealt solely with domestic violence. The other 550 dealt with (and are likely still dealing with) with co-traumas of substance abuse and/or mental health.
Our shelter sent them back out into the world with none of what they needed to stay safe. Where did they go? Sometimes we dropped them off behind a Publix to walk into the woods, sometimes at homeless shelters, sometimes back to their abusers, sometimes to different shelters.  Not one of the highest paid administrators who take home 40% of the shelter’s funding demonstrated concern about the outcome of these survivors—or in this case, victims. I blame the FCADV.
I applaud the efforts of FCADV to raise awareness. I applaud their efforts to change the conversation and place the blame on abusers. I do NOT applaud their efforts to save lives because they are failing. And as long as they continue doing what they are doing—putting salaries above services and greed above goodwill—they will keep failing. Hiding behind the Empowerment Based Model does a disservice to victims, and that is not okay.
To empower women and victims, you must start by having honest conversations about the co-traumas that shelter workers see. The FCADV spends a great deal of money on lobbyists, to maintain their status quo. Domestic violence victims and survivors are not interested in the politics that have allowed this to spiral out of control, but it is certainly political in nature.
The FCADV has dwindled away services at its 42 centers, all while top executives and administrators continue to receive unjustified and unnecessary raises. It is unconscionable that the Executive Director of the FCADV makes nearly half a million dollars a year while victims go without essential services. Florida does not even come close to comparing to other Executive Director salaries.
I took the time to look at the 990’s for all State Coalition Executive Directors… here is how Florida’s Director compares:
Florida is often cited as leading the nation in domestic violence initiatives. I am terrified that other states would model themselves after ours. I cringe to think about what will become of the victims as executives’ pockets get bigger. I believe the FCADV began with good intentions. However, as often happens, when left unchecked, greed found its footing.
Please stop listening to the highest paid executives and go back to the basics. Speak openly with advocates, case managers, and all those who provide direct service.  Ask what they see, what services and resources they need to protect women, and to provide comfort and safety through their transition. You will find that the FCADV has gotten in the way of saving lives.
For too long, I stayed quiet. For too long, I tried to justify what I knew was wrong. For too long, I covered my ears like I did when I was a child hiding from the abuse in my own home. Now I will speak out. I will speak to State Representatives and individuals in Congress. I will reach out to others to join the fight. I will reach out with documentation of everything I have collected through my extensive research. I will never again let Mr. Jeb Bush go on TV and claim he has made positive changes to Florida’s domestic violence system. Perhaps you have both raised some important initiatives, but you have also helped the rich to get richer by ignoring the needs of victims.
Enough is enough.
Domestic violence survivors and victims in Florida deserve better. Every victim deserves better. It is time to take back the movement whose vast potential for change has been stolen by the FCADV. I sincerely hope you will consider my plea and use your position of power to benefit those in need rather than contributing to their further victimization.
Feel free to repost this blog, link to it, and/or share. If sharing on Twitter, use #FloridaDVReform. You may also tweet it to Columba Bush and Jeb Bush.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Disappointments are memorable

When does one finally realize they are getting old?  Is it when we no longer look forward to Friday nights—going out to the bar or the movies?  Is it when we buy tour first car that has four-doors or that gas saving motor?  Perhaps it is when our high school reunion rolls over from one-digit to two-digits?
What ever your demarcation is, or will be, there comes a time when each of us must acknowledge that time has continued, as we were busy living.  We actually never realize the progression of age.  At least not as we notice it on others.  How many times have we meat an old “friend” from the distant past and the first thing we think is “Do I look that good / bad?”  Or we find ourselves out in the community at some event or strolling the local big box store and we notice some one looking at us.  We wonder are they flirting?  DO they know me?  OMG, they are so OLD, why would they even think…then we realize the ultimate truth—we are about the same age—which means—I AM OLD.
Yeah, tell me something new.  Actually this is not the point I am coming to.  Age is but a slice of the blooming onion.  There ARE many other slices such as education, economic status, employment, community, and the ability to access these and other slices slice with dignity and respect.
The focus of this SNARK sprung to life as a result of a personal disappointment.  Not that this was any more disappointing that having worked in the same career for over 20 years and I am barely making what I did when I started in 1995.  We are all told that work hard, it will pay off.   Do what you love; it has its own rewards.  Stay focused and on point and your efforts will be recognized.
But what if you go above and beyond, but you just don’t hold the party line?  Or worse yet, you are unable to without compromising your clients?
But as usual, I digress.  Returning to the topic at hand, which was what exactly?
OH, it was being able, or actually ALLOWED to access the onion with dignity and respect and how I survived yet another personal disappointment today.   It is this event that once again brought me to think about a friend I never got around to seeing as often as I should have since I left Madison, Wisconsin in 1997.
When I met Mark, he was the epitome of dignity and respect.  The poster-person for determination if there ever was going to be such a person.  Mark grew up in Madison, went to school in Madison, and lived every day (except the days I took him out of the state) in Madison as if he was on a new adventure.  Mark had two, TWO degrees from the Madison Area Technical College—one in CISCO and the other in Microsoft Office.  Either one would have been a ticket to prosperity back in the early 1990s.
Mark had a very active social life.  He was often seen on State Street during the day, in and out of the shops and when he reached the University Union, he stopped for a bit, and slurped on a cold cola, maybe a burger and fries.  Then he would head back towards the Capitol on State Street, stopping to chat with all the people he knew, and all those he had not met, until that day.  Mark would get on the 25 bus, and head home for some dinner, a shower and a few hours of programming before dinner.
After dinner, mark was back on State Street from 8:00 P.M until 1:00 A.M Monday through Thursday.  He always finished the night at the local college bar, Bullwinkle’s.  There he would dance the night away.   The women he knew from his previous excursions always had a few new friends who had all heard about Mark.  By 1:00 A.M. Mark was ready to head back home and get an early start in the morning.  By all appearances, Mark was having the time of his young life
Yet, every day Mark experienced disappointment in his personal life, particularly in the area of employment. Having completed two IT programs still was not enough to get Mark an offer for employment.  Once he had an offer to do some work for a nonprofit doing data entry in a spreadsheet, but once that job was completed, there was no other offers waiting.  Mark tried several other avenues, designing websites on some of those free hosting sites as a way of advertising his talent.  Everyday, Mark anticipated a knock at his door, a letter in the mailbox, an email from a stranger or a phone call from an enthusiastic employer who had discovered his skills.  There was nothing but SILENCE.
Eventually, after too many disappointments, possibilities no longer shine as they once had.  The morning is no longer an exciting event and your friends are not as interesting as they were yesterday.
That is what I felt when I was faced with my latest disappointment.  I understood what it feels like to always do your best.  To put that best foot forward and always, always provide a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay.  Only Marko never had that opportunity to work with dignity and respect.  Having dignity and respect in one’s social life is great and all, but it is having respect and dignity via work is what validates us as human beings, not just a life form, but a contributing member of our community.  Be it good or be it bad, our work defines who we are and gives all of us standing within our society.  So when I encounter disappointment, and I wonder just how I can deal with yet another set back, I think of Mark.
He NEVER was given the opportunity to be employed with dignity and never had the respect associated with holding your own.  Even though there was no pressure on Mark, there was no realistic reason why Mark should have been concerned with securing employment, because Mark had fought his entire life for dignity and respect from the day he was born.  Beginning September 08, 1970, everyday was a struggle for dignity and respect.  Living with cerebral palsy, Mark never asked for favors.  He never took charity.  Rather, he dove into every experience for all it was worth.
But eventually we all grow weary of the battle.  Even when we look back at all our victories, there is always ONE tat has eluded us.  The one we will never overcome and claim as ours.  For Mark, that was employment with dignity and respect.  It wasn’t the money (though money does make some jobs easier), the benefits, or even the actual work.  As it is for many of us, work allows us to bond with others who hopefully share our passion.  Who take us in and embrace us when we are successful, and they take us in and embrace us when we stumble—reminding us there is always another day.

But for Mark, on November 01, 2010, that next day would never come again.   Mark felt his community had let him stumble one to many times when it came to employment.  So Mark decided he had one last job he could do.  So he boarded the 25 bus one last time, and went for a one-way stroll down State Street, to the University Memorial Union.  From there, Mark directed his power chair across the isthmus to Monona Bay.  There, adjacent to Lake Monona, where Otis Redding’s lane went down December 10, 1967, Mark slipped from his power chair into the cold depths of history.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.

Debt.  It keeps the masses in line and under their thumb.

Think about the world of possessions and material holdings.

U.S. household consumer debt profile:
Average Credit Card debt = $15,863
Average mortgage debt= $156, 584
Average student loan debt- $33, 090
In total, American consumers owe:
$11.86 TRILLION in debt
An increase of 1.9% from last year
$901 BILLION in credit card debt
$8.17 TRILLION in mortgages
$1.21 TRILLION in STUDENT loans
an increase of 8.5% from last year

How much do you owe?  It is probably enough to keep you working at a job that has ZERO possibilities and and absolute dead end, right?

We have been raised to believe that credit is the American way of life.  It is how we buy cars (we just bought a used 2008 Chrysler Town & Country on credit), the only way for 90% of us to buy a house (though we paid cash for our modular and just owe lot rent).

Then we are told that real people NEVER default on their loans--NEVER.  We are taught various ways to be shamed and humiliated, but defaulting on a loan is the worse.  We know this is true because as soon as we do default on a line of credit, those wonderful caring humans at the collection agency immediately start calling with a full does of SHAME and HUMILIATION  intended to get us to pay whatever we can to save our reputation.

The other great side-effect (or is it by design?) of DEBT is controlling the populace.  The more we owe, the less likely we are to complain.  Since I just bought a car and now owe money, I am less likely to question my employer, challenge their requests and more likely to accept most of their requests to work late or come in early out of fear of losing my position and defaulting on a new line of credit.

Noam Chomsky has this to say about debt:

"Well how do you indoctrinate the young? There are a number of ways. One way is to burden them with hopelessly heavy tuition debt. Debt is a trap, especially student debt, which is enormous, far larger than credit card debt. It’s a trap for the rest of your life because the laws are designed so that you can’t get out of it. If a business, say, gets in too much debt it can declare bankruptcy, but individuals can almost never be relieved of student debt through bankruptcy. They can even garnish social security if you default. That’s a disciplinary technique. I don’t say that it was consciously introduced for the purpose, but it certainly has that effect. And it’s hard to argue that there’s any economic basis for it. Just take a look around the world: higher education is mostly free. In the countries with the highest education standards, let’s say Finland, which is at the top all the time, higher education is free. And in a rich, successful capitalist country like Germany, it’s free. In Mexico, a poor country, which has pretty decent education standards, considering the economic difficulties they face, it’s free. In fact, look at the United States: if you go back to the 1940s and 50s, higher education was pretty close to free."

Hasn’t it been too long that we have gone without the human dignity our parents and grandparents had?

Debt may be the Americanway, but so too is RESPECT, a LIVING WAGE, a 40 HOUR WORK WEEK, a PENSION that cannot be stolen and a QUALITY OF LIFE that provides us ALL with LEISURE and HAPPINESS.

So, when do we start?

Monday, July 27, 2015

Time is one of our most precious resources.  Remember when we were young?  And if you are young, think about how quickly time has passed since your last birthday, your last Christmas, the last time you told someone you loved them--and you actually HEARD the words and felt the emotion.

This is one of the foundations for Get Your Snark On..or as of August 08, 2015 Get Your Snark On, LLC.

We will be taking issue with the events in our lives that  seem to steal away our resources--

1.  TIME







We will make every attempt to be IRREVERENT while remaining RELATIVE to our situation as Humans, living in America.

Stay tuned as we set off down the rabbit hole and take back our VOICES and  restore our HOPE.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Holier than Them


I pray this self-proclamation will bring you to a greater understanding of life.
I know, most people would end the previous sentence with GOD, but what or rather who is GOD—if not LIFE?
Such a magnanimous proclamation must surely symbolize your FAITH in the word. Such confidence and vainglorious belief has to be the result of years of dedication and compliance with the law, even from a very young age.

Though I do wonder is such a lengthy statement intended to draw praise of is it more to secure one’s place in the room of persecution? A means of solidifying internalized feelings of psychological crucifixion, whether real or imagined?

Does anyone ever really know the heart of God?

Does anyone ever really know if their faith brings a smile to God’s face?

Does anyone ever really know if their smile gives Jesus warm fuzzies?

Does anyone every really know if their deeds bring Jesus satisfaction?

I suppose there are reasons men espouse such lengthy words attributed to God.
I suppose in some ways the words bring some comfort.
I suppose the ability to quote provides us with personal contentment, much as Paul experienced with the Corinthians the first time.

Can our words then become service?
Will our words then feed the hungry?
Will our words then comfort the homeless?
Can our words then educate the seekers?
Will our words be reflected in our love?
Does our words fulfill the FAITH?
Would our words heal the sick?
Could our words be merely the clanging of cymbals?

I wonder, when God is there, in His place, gazing over His beloved, does He see our words or does He hear our heart?
I wonder what God will remember us for?

Having the best Rolex?
The newest car?
The biggest house?
The highest education?
The most hours in a pew?
The most laws obeyed?
The most endearing prayer?
The most important vote?
The best submissive spouse?
The best display of abstinence?
The best at resisting temptation?

Or will They remember how passionately we loved?
How deeply we cared for each other?
How completely we gave of ourselves?
How honestly we spoke?
How thoroughly we embraced life?

Will They think of us, the same way we should have though of Them?

Will They see us the same way se saw our Neighbors?

Will They mete out the same as we did to the poor?

Will They defend us as we defended the least of us?


The ONLY answer that matters is the one EACH of us will be given, not what words we recite from an empty mountain top that can neither heal the SOUL nor nurture the BODY.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Who shall I send...

Not that I am an overly religious kind of person, but I can say I have an strong sense of JUSTICE and MERCY. For reasons that cannot adequately be explained, perhaps because I do not fully understand...I have been compelled to be at the front of the line when it comes to social action. And Isaiah 6:8 has forever resonated within my soul. This has been an annoyance throughout my life. At various times I have tried to stand wt the oppressed and demand justice, only to be ignored by all sides. Then they have been times when I thought to merely observe, and all sides demanded I pick up arms and defend a position, any position. And so, I am resigned to simply being the one. The one who steps out from the smoke and mirrors. Steps away from the rioting and chaos Steps away from the idle contentment To walk in the shoes of no one. To simply be....the voice of the observer.. Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"