Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Who rules the world?

To say I grew up in a church would be misleading. During my early years, my parents—that is to say mom—took her five kids to the neighborhood Lutheran Church. We sat with her and Dad in the pews every Sunday. Not sure why we didn’t go to the Sunday school classes. If I recall, Mom said something about being able to sit like humans and listen to the nice man talk. That and she wanted us to pay attention.
Eventually I was noticing my friends heading to church every Sunday as well. My immediate neighborhood, that is the street I lived on, was predominately Catholic. They all went to the same church every Sunday. This may have been because it was the only Catholic Church within 15 miles of our neighborhood.
After some prodding from my friends, I asked Mom if I could go to church with my friends.

“Sometimes you climb out of bed in the morning and you think, I'm not going to make it, but you laugh inside — remembering all the times you've felt that way.”
― Charles Bukowski

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