Saturday, February 18, 2012

OUTRAGE----Y not?

So are you feeling the outrage? Everyday we are witness to some corporation taking something from our community. We stand by as some politician taking a little more in our wages and attacking unions as the all-evil, soul stealing boogey-man. And all along they tell us it is getting better, it is for our own good, and the best one of all time-----I am from the government and I am here to help….ROFLMFAO…seriously?
Now before all the political entities get in a bunch, this is NOT an us against them rant. It will not be democraps vs. republickins death match. Neither side is innocent in this fiasco.
Both, in fact dare I say ALL politics travels on money; really big money and a lot of it. Just watch the news and see all the corporations being served at the trough of earmarks. Whenever there is a disruption in the system, a protest or strike, the politicians are ready to send in the clowns—aka muscle; enforcement; law. If the clowns are to small, the military is always an option.
Multinationalistic businesses current own us. They have a license that has NO expiration date, because we love the ride. We are firmly entrenched in the front seat and holding on tight. Every year they add new and improved features that compel us to stay the course.
We are willing to pay big for the pleasure of having folks we elected to do what we want them to do for us—TELL us what they will do to us. And we accept this? Like Frankenstein, we have built a monster that no longer serves its master. Like I Robot, we have permitted the creation to rule the creator. And we want to believe it is all for our own good, because we are incapable of deciding for ourselves?

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