Wednesday, September 2, 2015


I came across this post on a popular forum today.  I started me thinking about what Jesus really meant when he spoke of being LUKEWARM.

I personally think it would because they love the world and the things of the world like music, movies, clothes, houses, automobiles, wealth, popularity, going on vacations, trips to the beach, concerts, amusement parks, sporting events, eating good food, hanging out with friends, plus having all the lukewarm Christians in Heaven means the more number of friendships I'll get to have there, I personally prefer being around the worldly and lukewarm Christians more than the angry Bible thumping Christians who'll tell you you're gonna be going to Hell for this and that, I wouldn't find joy or happiness if all of the people who I've loved on Earth or people who I've wanted to meet ended up in Hell

I see it differently.  LUKEWARM has ZERO to do with enjoying LIFE here and now.  Many believe that God ( or whatever name you use) not only wants us to enjoy life, he/she DEMANDS that we have the time of our life.

This idea that lukewarm means we are enjoying life and having fun is ludicrous and is surely the work of our evil subconscious. 

We can still love the world and the things of the world like music, movies, clothes, houses, automobiles, wealth, popularity, going on vacations, trips to the beach, concerts, amusement parks, sporting events, eating good food, hanging out with friend and LOVE God (or whatever name you use) and God would be ecstatic that we are taking advantage of LIFE.  After all is LIFE not a GIFT from God?

What parent would ever chastise their child for having fun and ENJOYING life? 

Does loving the world preclude people from making discoveries?  If we truly "loved god" why would we be curious and look for patterns and why would we seek knowledge?   It is NOT because we do not LOVE GOD, but because we do LOVE GOD that we want to make LIFE BETTER.

Are doctors "lukewarm" because the want to extend life (what did Paulie the heretic write about being absent from the body?  Wasn't that a narcissistic piece if there ever was one?) or when they treat a disease?  I think not.  They are doing God's work here on earth.

All this "love the world" crap is jut that--CRAP.  Do we really think that in the here-after all we will do is sit around singing HOLY-HOLY-HOLY 24/7?  God I hope not!  There are legions of angles who are doing that right now so I really doubt God needs a few million more sitting around boasting his / her ego...

LUKEWARM I BELIEVE refers willingness to justify ignoring those in need. 

When we refuse to love our neighbors. 
When we do not demand justice and administer MERCY when called for. 

We are lukewarm when we walk on past a person on the streets who needs help and we do nothing. 
Whether we withhold that extra dollar in our pocket and justify not giving the money.
Or we withhold that coat or food.
Even when we avoid a simple HELLO and a smile out of “fear” it makes us LOOK weak?. 

We are lukewarm when we think like the Pharisees and say:


And we hold ourselves ABOVE those who are marginalized. 

LUKEWARM expects others to pull themselves up and we stop asking WHY is this allowed and how can we provide the hand up.

LUKEWARM promotes INDIVIDUALISM and rejects the individual.

LUKEWARM fears "socialism" because we are told everyone has to WORK for what they get.

LUKEWARM fears government (despite what Paulie said about all government is appointed by God) and seeks to take control from the people and place it in corporate hands.

When we fear our neighbor (ignoring what Jesus said NUMEROUS times) and we support an armed society and justify it by saying MIGHT MAKES RIGHT that is lukewarm.  Can we imagine this happening on the playground--Your son goes to the teacher and says Bobby is throwing rocks at everyone--and instead of stopping Bobby the teacher gives EVERYONE rocks??

LUKEWARM no longer believes God is LOVE. 



LUKEWARM wanting God to be JUDGE & JURY provide we are the executioner

LUKEWARM exists on the outer edges of society because we are "better" than EVERYONE else.