Post contributed by Leonard Phelps
Owning your own business sometimes isn’t all it’s cracked up to be but all in all I’d say it’s a pretty good way to earn a living. My husband and I have our own specialty cheese shop right in downtown and I love being able to go into work everyday knowing it’s going to be with something I know I like to do. I couldn’t take one more day of spreadsheets! It took a lot to get the place off the ground and we spent over 6 months just renovating the shop itself. We went to, hired a guy to come fix the broken AC system and even someone to plant some really pretty boxwoods out front the window. IT’s been quite the journey but business has actually been great and we’re really starting to integrate into the neighborhood like I imagined we would! I love my husband and it’s really great being able to go into work every day and hang out with him and play with fresh, homemade